
We are pleased to make available the materials from our June 29 tax equity seminar.

Here’s is the link to a PDF of the slides: Seminar Slides PDF.

The webinar audience submitted questions that we did not have time to answer.  The questions were:

1.  Why do balance sheet players have an advantage in

On June 10, the IRS issued Notice 2016-36, available at (the “Notice”), which updates and expands the existing safe harbor[1] pursuant to which the transfer of an intertie (or reimbursement for the cost thereof) to a regulated public utility will be treated as a contribution to the capital of a corporation, and not

On June 29, please join David Burton of Mayer Brown and Gintaras Sadauskas of Alfa Business Advisors for a seminar presented at Mayer Brown’s Chicago office and as a webinar.

Topics addressed in the program will include:

  • The IRS’s updated “start of construction” guidance for tax credit qualification
  • Trends in the tax equity market

First published in Bloomberg BNA’s  Daily Tax Report on May 15, 2014

David Burton examines a recent private letter ruling where the Internal Revenue Service held that ‘‘zip’’ drywall partition systems are depreciated faster than conventional drywall partitions. He compares the Service’s ruling in the PLR with consistent federal appeals court decisions that preceded it—but

This article was first published by Bloomberg BNA Daily Tax Report on February 24, 2014

In Private Letter Ruling 201404007, released Jan. 24, the Internal Revenue Service ruled favorably on a securitization structure to raise nonrecourse financing secured by cars subject to leases with a terminal rental adjustment clause (TRAC) provided for in Section 7701(h).